A Leap of Faith

BMack has left the building.

BMack has left the building.

10 years.

On Friday, October 4, 2019 - I walked into the WBTV News studios for the final time. I remember the myriad of emotions swirling in my head (and my heart, TBH).

I’ve loved every minute of my time at Channel 3 and I’ll always be grateful for the past decade. The people, the stories I’ve had the honor of telling, the laughs, the lifelong friendships – not the least of which was meeting the love of my life. Our courtship was arguably the station’s best kept secret -- quite a feat in a room full of newsies!

It’s been one crazy, beautiful, incredible ride.

As I cleaned out my desk (a Herculean task as it turns out) for nearly two hours that final day, it really brought today into perspective.

1. #Notetoself: Learn to throw things away. Sheesh, BMack!

2. While my heart was full of gratitude, I was also giddy with excitement over a new beginning. A new season. The kind of expectant anticipation that only comes with knowing that leaving a place you’ve been so long is absolutely the right move to make.

3. In the words of Lil’ Wayne --hey, don’t knock the wisdom of Weezy -- “every finish line is the beginning of a new race.” Y’all, I’m SO excited about the next race! This is a leap of faith, for sure. Where the rubber meets the road, so to speak, when it comes to faith. But, I’m ready -- and it’s time. I truly believe that all things work together for the good of them that love the Lord and are called according to His purpose. It’s why I can’t wait to see what God has for me next! He’s a #wontHedoit-show up and show out-kind-of-God!!

This was taken minutes before #Firstat4 premiered on September 14, 2010. Jamie and I had no idea how much fun the next 8 years would be -- or that we would become framily. Friends that become your family.

This was taken minutes before #Firstat4 premiered on September 14, 2010. Jamie and I had no idea how much fun the next 8 years would be -- or that we would become framily. Friends that become your family.

Finally, I want to thank all of you - our viewers.

For welcoming me into your homes every day. For letting BMack be BMack all of these years. For sharing your stories with me. For trusting me to tell your stories. For cheering me on. For joining the movement of #TeamNOsugar (which you absolutely will see more of soon!). For your support, your kindness and your love — I thank you. Not many have the chance to cover the news in their hometown. As a proud native Charlottean (aka unicorn😆), the honor has been all mine.

Like, I said on-air at the end of my final First at 4:00 – “every exit is a entrance somewhere else.”

And, it’s time to make my exit.

(P.S. - if you emailed me right after my sign off, I read every one of them. There just wasn’t time to respond. I’m humbled and grateful. ❤️)