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“Why BeautyCounter, Brigida?”

Because if you think I’m just selling lipstick and skincare, you’re not paying attention.

The average woman puts 15 products on her body before leaving the house each day. Fifteen.

Now, consider this: no significant federal law has been passed regarding personal care products since 1938! That is flat-out unacceptable.

People often ask me, “why Beautycounter, Brigida?”

Because it’s perfectly legal for companies to use harmful ingredients in the products we use on our skin every, single day. Formaldehyde, Carcinogens, Lead and Parabens are among the worst offenders.

Because the aforementioned have all been linked to cancer, infertility, hormone disruption and other health issues.

Because 1.5 pages of legislation is all (seriously!) that regulates the more than $532 billion beauty industry.

Because the mission of Beautycounter is simple: to get safer products in the hands of everyone.

Because after nearly two decades of wearing TV makeup five nights a week, my skin has never looked better.

Because beauty should be good for you!

Interested in hosting a beautycounter social?

All you need is a few family and friends — and ME!

Plus, the host rewards are amazing (you can walk away with up to half a dozen FREE products!)